
​Atriphene Xe Greene
September 3rd - Virgo
This artistic lady is the creative mind behind many projects such as Black Eyeliner Disaster Cam, KnotNormalPinup, several books and the long-running Red Bread Chronicles (now known as GreeneDreams). She is the evil genius in charge of GreeneVine Productions and all of the projects it spawns. She spends her free time listening to music, writing, creating various websites and several strange hobbies that range from ball joint dolls to competitive pole dancing to burlesque.

She can often be found at local music venues, usually sporting some outrageous and wacky outfit or behind the camera for her local pinup stars. A big believer in the local music community, she has been supportive and involved since she was a teen. She loves music and her tastes range wildly from Mozart to Lady Gaga. Her favorite bands are Die Antwoord, Nine Inch Nails and Perfect Nothing. Atriphene also loves to read and her favorites include Chuck Palahniuk, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.

Other things she enjoys include: vodka, swimming, skating, biking, hiking, archery, wearing latex/vinyl, the color green, her motorbike and awesome shoes.
of Greene, The Pirate Queen